How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Personal Brand Website


Picking a domain name for a personal brand website can prove to be a much bigger hassle than it may seem at first. By solidifying this choice, you’re signing up for a long-term commitment, because changing a domain name can get tricky. Although rebranding isn’t necessarily always a terrible idea, doing so comes with a risk of losing customers, especially if you’ve already managed to build a hugely successful brand. To make this decision a bit less terrifying, here are some tips that could help you choose your ideal domain name.

Consider the focal point of your brand

When brainstorming the ideas for your personal website domain name, the first step is determining the main points of your brand that you want to highlight. This will highly depend on the type of service you offer. For example, if you’re selling workout gear and/or own a gym, probably the safest choice is to include the brand name. However, let’s say that apart from that, you also have a public Instagram account where you upload workout videos and would like to be the face of your own brand. Then, a more logical choice would be to incorporate your name into the domain name. On the other hand, in case your personal or brand name isn’t well-known within your industry, you might want to make a hybrid name combining that name with keywords that concisely describe the service you’re providing.


Make it original and discoverable

Generic domain names are bound to get lost in the pool of websites that offer similar services. Since your aim is to make your website visible to potential consumers, the consensus is not to use vague and general terms. You can improve your chances of getting discovered by making the core of your business discernable from the domain name upon first glance. However, catchy made-up names can work well too, as they can evoke people’s curiosity and make you stand out even more. Thus, if you get a sudden burst of creativity, you can coin your own words or look for some alluring ones in a dictionary. In case you find yourself unable to find a suitable domain name, as a last resort, you can use a domain name generator for inspiration.

Conduct the necessary research

A significant part of the domain name is the domain name extension. Given that there’s a plethora of domain extensions out there, picking one can be quite challenging. For this reason, you will need to do some research, to be able to make the most suitable choice according to your budget, brand type, and personal preferences. Some of the most popular options include .com, .org and .net. For a more personal feel, you can opt for the equally trusted .me domain. Given the meaning that the word me carries, and that it’s a little less common, this domain extension may give your domain name a warmer vibe. Once you’ve settled on the extension, more research awaits you regarding the domain name itself. As mentioned previously, to ensure that your clients can easily find your website without confusing it with other brands, your domain name should be original. Furthermore, adopting a trademarked name for your brand puts you at risk of facing legal issues. To avoid any potential problems and improve your visibility, it’s best to check whether the name you have in mind exists somewhere on the internet. Once you’ve verified that no website or social media profile has the same or similar title, you’re free to use it.


Make sure the name isn’t too complex

When people get interested in your brand, they are likely to want to share your website with others. Hence, while you want your name to stand out, it’s still advisable to keep it fairly simple. Aiming for something catchy but keeping it relatively short and sweet ups the chances of your customers being able to remember it and spread the word. On that note, it’s best to make it easy to read and write. Your best bet is staying away from special characters, numbers, and spellings that are ambiguous to pronounce, unless you have an exceptional reason to do so.


In this era dominated by digital data, having a personal brand website can significantly boost a business. Since one of the key elements of a website is its domain name, it’s essential to put in some effort when creating it. Hopefully, these tips have helped you narrow down your picks.